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If You're Still Not Convinced…
Have a look at what a few of our customers have to say about honey after reading our book:
I’ve lost 10lbs. in less than 3 weeks drinking acv and herbal oregano tea. I also use it to clarify my scalp.
- Joy R.
I use acv on my psoriasis, reduces inflammation and kinda keeps it from being all red and splotchy, huge improvement with my skin within two months.
- Millie A.
ACV keeps your PH in balance & when your PH is in balance, you can’t get sick! ;) It’s good as a topical treatment for mosquito bites – takes away the itch & will disappear altogether within hours!
- Tracy A.
Everything just tastes better with a little bit of honey, doesn’t it? Not only does it taste good, but raw honey is packed with nutritional and therapeutic value. It has been used for centuries to treat countless ailments. Hippocrates himself wrote of this “liquid gold” and its medicinal effects.
Raw honey is packed with amazing compounds like bee pollen, royal jelly and beeswax, not to mention vitamins, antioxidants and other powerful constituents that modern science is just beginning to decode.
To explore the many facets of honey, embark upon this 14-day challenge. Just make sure you’re stocked with raw honey and not processed commercial honey.
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The Honey Phenomenon
When you claim your very own physical copy today, you'll learn:
Weight Loss
Unlike processed sugars that get stored as fat in your body, honey actually improves fat metabolism thanks to specific enzymes and nutrients that it contains.
Organ Health
Honey helps provide the “building blocks” for healthy cells thanks to a complex array of proteins, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help reduce free-radical development… stopping cell damage in its tracks.
A simple recipe for a makeup remover that takes off makeup… without stripping your skin of its moisture or natural oils.
Skin Care
A recent study in New Zealand found honey heals burn wounds twice as fast as traditional dressings… Find out when it’s best to use honey for burns.
Wound Treatment
A taste of what's inside...
If you're still here then you don't need convincing as to how powerful the healing effects of honey can be. So I'll just help you out with even more tips on how I use it.
There are literally hundreds of ways to use honey — but in this report, I'll give you 39 of my favorite. I hope you give some of these a try. You will be amazed at what you find.
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The Honey Phenomenon
A taste of what's inside...
A taste of what's inside...
A taste of what's inside...