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9 Meals Away From Anarchy

Having this resource can increase your chances of staying alive… Even if you’re one of the unlucky people who go from the plenty – to the fewwithin a couple hours flat… and without any notice.


Jarod turned the channel to the evening news on May 22, 2011 and gazed hopelessly as he listened…

“It’s headed straight for us!”

“Hurry, make sure you get to safety as soon as you can… don’t waste a second… go now!”

And within a few moments…

The power was out.

All of a sudden, rain started pouring… hail pounded the roof… wind howled… and debris violently circled the air everywhere.

Dancing and Rotating Like Water Going Down the Drain

He was paralyzed with fear… the storm was headed straight for him and his fiancé’s home.

After coming to his senses, he told Jessica to grab some clothes and boots, then follow him straight to their basement for shelter.

Quickly, they looked for protection to keep them safe from the basement ceiling…

But all they could find were a few pieces of plywood and an old beat up tarp.

As they huddled quietly together – waiting for the worst to come – they heard windows blast and walls crumble.

Then suddenly…

It all stopped.

After waiting for what seemed like hours, they uncovered themselves and crawled out of the basement to see what they’d been running from.

And there they saw it all…

The mile-wide EF5 tornado quickly moving away from them…

Along with the devastation of everything they lived and worked so hard for.

Only a few walls were left standing…

Yet luckily for them – so were they.

Others… wouldn’t be so fortunate.

You see, this EF5 tornado with 200+ mph winds, was just getting started on its rampage through the Southwest portion of their state.

And even though it’d last only a few minutes…

Widespread damage and lasting repercussions would be the main theme for weeks to come.

All told…

Joplin, Missouri was nearly wiped from the map.

158 Killed, 1,150 Injured, And Over $2.8 Billion In Damages… ALL Within 38 Minutes

Hi, my name’s Susan Patterson, Content Director here at The Alternative Daily, and a Certified Master Gardener.

As horrible as this story may seem…

It only reveals of the time when this massive twister touched ground and absolutely destroyed a portion of this community…

NOT the time when survivors had to pick up the pieces to a life altered by Mother Nature.

The time I tend to call…

Susan Patterson
The Alternative Daily

“The Aftermath”

You see, people who come face-to-face with natural disasters and live through it, now have to tend to the disarray and turmoil that quickly follows.

The streets get crowded…

Panic sets in…

And everyone is needing to get “theirs”.

Gas stations won’t pump gas…

You can’t get money from ATM’s…

And grocery store shelves quickly go empty with no replenishment in sight.

For the unfortunate victims who’ve lost their homes, there’s nothing left to return to.

No safety…

No food…

No water…

Or supplies.

Only the little they were able to gather when the disaster struck.

Odds are – if you’ve been displaced after a natural disaster…

Instantly, Jarod’s nerves were rattled and thoughts raced through his mind of how horrible this day would soon become.

All he could hear was sirens blazing in the distance, and what seemed to be a roaring freight train fast approaching.

His eyes shifted from the TV to the living room window, where the only thing he could see was a dark horizon, coupled with ominous clouds…

You’ll Most Likely Be on Your Own
For At Least the First 48 To 72 Hours

Unfortunately, the chances of this happening to you are growing at an unthinkable rate.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine…

Natural disasters are becoming more real at an alarming rate.

From 2000 through 2009, there were three times as many natural disasters as there were from 1980 through 1989…

With 80% of them due to weather-related events.

But it's not Mother Nature’s fault we’re seeing more injuries, deaths and chaos during “the aftermath”…


It comes down to human error.

We build homes on fault lines…

In flood zones…

And areas near the ocean where waves can engulf our homes.

The list goes on and on.

RealtyTrac, the nation’s leading source of housing data…

Looked at 8,642 zip codes around the country giving each a natural disaster risk score – from 0 to 360 – based on their risk of wildfires, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and earthquakes.

The results?

25% of homes and condos within our country – a whopping 17.3 million – are in the high, to very high risk range of at least one type of natural disaster.

Take a look.

Source: ATTOM Data Solutions

As you can see, we’re certainly at risk.

And this data doesn’t include information about snow or thunderstorms.

If you’re not ready to be forced out of your home for any significant amount of time…

I’d like to present another fact that may get you into a prepared state of mind.

Since 2008, an average of just over 26 million people per year have been uprooted from their homes by disasters beyond their control…

Or just over 72,328 people per day.

And if you happen to become a part of this statistic…

With no home to return to…

You’re Extremely Vulnerable

And if you think you’d be more fortunate to still have your home… think again.

Sure, you’d have shelter from the elements. You’d still have your bed… your clothes… and other semi-meaningless essentials.

But the power’s out…

Phone lines are down…

And local food distribution’s at a standstill.

This is where it gets dicey.

You see, unlike all other commodities, food is the one essential that cannot be postponed.

Once it happens, fear sets in immediately…

And if the resumption of the food supply was in question, that same fear would lead to social unrest…

And fast.

Truth is – like most people – you probably only have enough food to produce nine meals per person in your home.

Three days… that’s it.

After it’s gone…

What would you do?

Well, most would wait to see how the situation unfolds, but after you missed the next nine meals…

It’s Not Unlikely You’d Panic and
Be Prepared to Commit a Crime to
Secure a Meal for Your Family

That’s when anarchy starts.

And let’s be honest, you don’t want to be in search for food when the majority of your community is doing the same.

In 2005, people were shocked at the scale of social breakdown when Hurricane Katrina revealed a long-term, creeping erosion of civil resilience.

Unfortunately, it woke us up to the “sad-but-true” fact our essential supplies are much more vulnerable than what was believed to be true.

And this is why I’m writing to you today.

You see…

You can live 3 minutes without air…

72 hours without water…

And up to 21 days without food.

But who really wants to go hungry for even half that long?

Not me…

And I’m almost certain you wouldn’t either.

Getting caught with no food is the last thing you want to happen if you’re area is hit by a natural disaster.

Jarod and Jessica didn’t have a choice…

Their home was wiped out.

Yet for most, their homes are left intact…

Only the ability to buy food is lost.

So… that being said…

I’d like to ask you a couple of questions.

If disaster were to strike your community, would you have enough storage for food to feed your family for days on end?

Would you be able to provide even if your local store shelves were wiped clean?

Or would you be among the many involved in the mainstream chaos sure to ensue in your community?

If the answers to these questions concern you, I’d like to help by giving you the FREE book that’s helped many American’s alleviate their fears…


Growing Delicious Food For Essential Living

* Shipping charge applies, will show up on cart before purchase, amount varies by destination.

If ever there was a book to help keep you from becoming a victim in an “aftermath” situation… it’s The Secret Garden: Growing Delicious Food For Essential Living.

Whether an earthquake pummels your city, a tornado tears up your community, or you find yourself in your home with no power and no ability to buy food from the stores…

The last thing you want to be is unprepared.

You see, now more than ever, it’s important to learn the skills associated with growing food.

Not only is it the healthiest option for you and your family…

But because we live in uncertain times and our food supply is extremely fragile and unhealthy…

You’ll be rest assured, knowing you have everything you need to keep your family going through not only the rough times…

But also the times where you need to keep your kitchen stocked with goodness.

Here’s just a sample of what you’ll learn:

The truth about GMO’s. Once you know the real reason behind why the government created this “mass-quantity” tactic for foods, you’ll understand why it’s unsafe to ever consume any.
The secrets of the most dangerous “company” in America. This company is slowly working behind the scenes to not only poison the food you buy at the stores, but also buy up all the seeds that produce them.

The most important “pledge” you need to look for. If the company you buy seeds from hasn’t signed this, make sure you never plant them in your garden.

Why the FDA may secretly be creating new toxins, bacteria, allergens, and diseases. The side-stepping in the requirement of this could be tearing you up from the inside-out!

How to create your own compost. Knowing the correct amount of green and brown materials is crucial to making sure your garden operates at its fullest.

How to use the roof of your home to help produce your best harvest. The acidic variety of this gives your vegetables what they need as opposed to its store-bought counterpart.

The type of insects you should always want in your garden. These insects help produce larger varieties of vegetables, but you need to attract them with this type of plant to offer the right habitat.

The 4 natural enemies in dealing with pests. Create a natural barrier by flooding your garden with these carnivorous insects, so you don’t have to resort to cancerous pesticides.

This… is only the beginning.

Next, we’ll take a deep dive into everything associated with growing fruits and vegetables…

Because when it comes to this, there’s a number of important factors to consider.

From selecting the type of plants and garden location, to the best gardening methods, watering and everything in between…

I’ve got you covered.

Here’s just a few points we’ll touch on:

Why this place is the most overlooked when selecting which vegetables to grow. It doesn’t matter if you prefer one vegetable over another if you don’t understand the importance of this. You may just end up with an empty garden.
Why these “god-sends” can do more harm than good. They’ll shade on your shine and bring your harvest to its knees.

The number one trick you need to learn if you have a short growing season in your region. After the suggested time, you can then move on to the traditional method of planting.

In short, this information has the power to position your garden to be its very best…

Which in turn, will give you many years of benefiting from the natural foods that bring life to you and your family…

The exact sizes your gardens should be. Getting maximum yield from minimal space is crucial for vegetable gardening. Save time and money by concentrating on these smaller spaces.

How to use this method to free up space. Maximize sun exposure by using the number one method for growing plants like pole beans, peas, melons, cucumbers, and tomatoes. 

How the lack of these critical elements can be the determining factor for the success of your garden. Implementing these 6 boosters can bring all the necessary nutrition you’ll ever need for good foliage growth.

Why these plants operate better as companions. Some repel pests, some provide shade, and some improve the flavor of their friends. Knowing which ones are important… because others would rather not share space.

And much, much more too numerous to list.

While Also Saving It Should You Encounter Any Natural Disasters In The Future

But not only will you receive everything I’ve just outlined above, you’ll also receive the very important – down-and-dirty details – for producing the perfect garden, including…

Popular varieties… 
Optimal soil environments…
How to plant…
Best lighting…
What to look for during growth…
Common threats, friends, and enemies…
How to harvest…

And the best ways to store 26 energetic vegetables and 17 luscious fruits.

Altogether, this 236 page book is loaded with everything you need to know to save money, restore your health, and protect your family for years to come.

And because I want to make sure you get this in your hands as soon as possible, I’ve taken it upon myself to pay for all printing and packing costs…

So you can have it absolutely FREE!
All I ask is you pay the small shipping charge to cover the cost of getting this life-changing book delivered to your front door.
And for those who take action today by securing this incredible free offer…

I’m going to throw in a couple of amazing bonuses absolutely free as well, including:


Growing Delicious Food For Essential Living

* Shipping charge applies, will show up on cart before purchase, amount varies by destination.

And they’ll be on their way.

Listen, you never know when something could happen that could potentially paralyze your living situation within a moment’s notice…

You never know if you could be one of the unlucky people who go from the plenty – to the fewwithin a couple hours flat…

Make sure you and your family are protected should your local grocery store shelves ever end up empty.

But I urge you not to wait.

We’ve only got a limited number of copies to give away, and I’ve reserved one just for you… no strings attached. 

Grab it now by clicking below…

You have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. 

To your good health,

Susan Patterson 

Content Director, The Alternative Daily 

P.S. Over 72,328 people get displaced by natural disasters every day. For those who do have a home to return to, a food shortage can quickly become an issue.

Get your copy of The Secret Garden: Growing Delicious Food For Essential Living so you and your family never have to run into this problem.

P.P.S. Remember, I’ve reserved you a copy absolutely FREE! Just pay the small shipping charge and I’ll rush it out to you today. Grab your copy now!


Growing Delicious Food For Essential Living

* Shipping charge applies, will show up on cart before purchase, amount varies by destination.


Indoor Gardening:
 16 Best Plants To Grow In Your Home

a $29.99 value, Yours FREE!

You don’t have to be a gardening mastermind to grow your own edible plants — and you don’t even have to have space outside for a garden! In fact, there are lots of great edible plants that can be grown indoors, even in a tiny apartment space.

Just imagine, all you have to do is wake up in the morning and take a few steps to tend your crops. There are lots of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that can thrive in the smallest of urban spaces, no yard required. 


Hydroponic Gardening:
How To Grow Without Soil!

a $29.99 value, Yours FREE!

While the basic concept of hydroponics is growing plants in nutrient solution with or without the use of a soilless medium, many methods have been developed over the years to suit different purposes and availability of resources.

Inside, you'll find all the tips I've learned over the past 30 years of doing this myself!

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