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#1 Weight Loss

ACV helps the body break down proteins - some of which are integral in the creation of growth hormone which is vital to weight loss and helps to break down fat found in cells.


Dear Lucky Reader,

This wonderful clump of soil we call home is truly a miracle! Everything—I mean everything—we need to thrive and survive is here on planet earth...

Apple Cider Vinegar, for instance, is an amazing golden liquid with so many uses for health, home, garden and more. While this elixir has been used since the times of Hippocrates (the father of medicine), many of its popular uses have become secrets overshadowed by technology and time.

Raw organic apple cider vinegar is nature's miracle food.

After months of research we compiled these benefits and uses (81, to be exact!) into an informative and instructional book that will not only teach you about how to use ACV but also why you should make your own at home (don’t worry, it’s really easy).

  • How ACV can be used to promote healthy & sustainable weight loss
  • Naturally balance your pH levels in your body, which fights off inflammation
  • How ACV can be used to promote healthy blood pressure range  
  • The spa-like steam treatment that nourishes skin and slows the visual effects of aging
  • The 8 foods, in addition to ACV, that can improve dental health and can eliminate bad breath and odors naturally
  • How to make your own homemade apple cider vinegar (relax, it’s easy!)

Here’s a sampling of what you’ll discover in this book:

Once you receive your FREE copy of our best-selling book, you will learn how raw organic ACV is made and what makes it so special – from the double fermentation process that produces an abundance of healthy enzymes, to the Mycoderma aceti or “Mother”, a type of cellulose developed during the fermentation process that puts ACV over-the-top in health-promoting potential.

We’ll show you how easy it is to check if you have the right kind of apple cider vinegar, and if your local food store is selling you the real deal.

We also show super-fast and effective ways to clean up around-the-house… the kind conventional cleaners just can't touch! And, without the TOXIC side effects!


Discover the 81 reasons why you need to use 
Apple Cider Vinegar every day

Health & Beauty

ACV may increase the circulation of blood to the hair's roots, leading to stronger roots and healthier hair. Plus, the antifungal and antibacterial properties of ACV can help fight off skin conditions like dandruff.

#52 Hair

ACV is high in potassium which flushes out and cleans arterial walls, and removes excess sodium from the body. This helps lower blood pressure. Acetic acid is also found in ACV in high amounts which is known for its ability to lower bad cholesterol. 

ACV provides a safe and effective way to remove foot conditions, such as calluses, corns, nail fungus and warts. It can also help your body reduce the buildup of uric acid, which provides relief from the pain and swelling associated with conditions like gout.

#32 Feet

#63 Heart Health

The malic acid in ACV works to return the body to a balanced pH by supporting healthy kidney function. In many cases, this can help to reduce the frequency of headaches.

#20 Headaches


Home & Garden

#68 Garden (weeds)

ACV helps release iron in the soil, which is critical for plants to grow strong and healthy. Plus, if you're looking to control weeds, ACV is a safe replacement to dangerous chemical weed killers.

Clean fridge/ carpets/ floors/ walls with an ACV and water mixture. Simply place equal amounts of each in a spray bottle and clean away. Then set a small, shallow cup of ACV where it won't get knocked over. It will continue to freshen the air for up to a month.

#61 Remove Odors

Get detailed information about these remedies and many more, with everything you need to know including step-by-step instructions on how to use ACV for each.

PLUS, Your Order Will Also Include A
Bonus Chapter - 32 Purifying Recipes That Unleash Your Well-Being!

Take full advantage of ACVs usefulness in the kitchen to naturally detox the body and please the palette through these 32 delicious recipes -- experience the complete well-being that Mother Nature intended!


Go ahead…don’t wait any longer, take advantage of this FREE offer today while supplies last, and see how ACV can change your life forever!


If You're Still Not Convinced…


Have a look at what a few of our customers have to say about ACV after reading our book:


I’ve lost 10lbs. in less than 3 weeks drinking acv and herbal oregano tea. I also use it to clarify my scalp.


-  Joy R.


I use acv on my psoriasis, reduces inflammation and kinda keeps it from being all red and splotchy, huge improvement with my skin within two months.


Millie A.


ACV keeps your PH in balance & when your PH is in balance, you can’t get sick! ;) It’s good as a topical treatment for mosquito bites – takes away the itch & will disappear altogether within hours!


Tracy A.



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© year The Alternative Daily


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Every page of this 127-page book is LOADED with health promoting, toxin-fighting content that is turning heads, even in conventional medical circles.


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