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How To Safely Cleanse Toxins Away

And Melt Fat In 2 Weeks

Eliminate the toxins from your body – so you can finally drop those
excess pounds… skyrocket your energy… and improve your health.

And that's where you run into trouble… All it takes is the tiniest amount of these toxins to throw off your entire endocrine system – including your metabolism.

These hormone-mimickers make your body store MORE fat! When you encounter one of these harmful toxins in your food or environment, your body mistakes it for a hormone – and allows it in.

The world in which we live is just crowded with toxins that end up making their homes in us. Certain chemicals can actually change the way your body metabolizes calories - making it difficult for you to lose weight.

Dr. Josh here. It’s time to get serious about toxicity.

Time and time again I see it in my practice. People whose bodies are filled with toxins. The toll it takes on their health is staggering. A key part of what I do is to help my patients deal with body toxicity. And the amazing thing is, removing toxins not only makes them feel better, but also helps them lose weight.

Scientists now believe that illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems and Parkinson's might be attributed, at least in part, to accumulated body toxins.

Additionally, some forms of cancer are also thought to be attributed to the body's reaction to accumulated chemicals found in foods, common household chemicals and other environmental factors.

Did you know: Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, and its cause continues to stump researchers all over the world. They have, however, found a link between the neurological symptoms of the disease and pesticide exposure, food additives and air pollution.

We are all toxic – every one of us - and our bodies have the ability to clear out toxins. But the problem is...

...It was never designed to handle the overwhelming number of toxins found in our environment right now.

Your body needs URGENT help.

It's imperative that you discover the truth about the chemicals in your food, clothing, furniture and household products – so you can eliminate them from your body and maintain your ideal weight... boost your energy... improve your memory… and experience overall better health.

He's also the author of the popular book, Baby Barbells: The Dad's Guide to Fitness and Fathering which was inspired by his lovely wife Dr. Amanda Levitt and their three young children.

Dr. Levitt sees patients at Whole Health, his private natural family medicine practice in Connecticut… is a clinical preceptor for the Yale School of Medicine where he has also developed and taught courses in integrative medicine… and regularly writes and consults on clinical, research, and business in the natural medicine industry. He has a degree in physiology from UCLA, a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the prestigious Bastyr University, and formal training in integrative medicine in Seattle, WA.

Dr. Levitt is a naturopathic physician who's known for his expertise in managing common and complex medical problems with a unique integrative approach.

In the process, they sap your energy… fuzz up your thinking… mess with your digestion… and make you feel generally rotten.

Boosting your number of fat cells, making your fat cells BIGGER

Messing up your metabolism - by both reducing the number of calories you burn at rest and increasing the amount of calories you store as fat

Changing the way your body regulates feelings of hunger and fullness - so you want to eat MORE

These toxins go to work fast to make your body store MORE fat by:

When dangerous toxins enter your system, your body stores them away in your fat cells. That's another reason why it's so hard to lose those extra pounds. Your body is holding onto that fat, because its removal would release toxins into your bloodstream – and put your health in jeopardy.

Your body is using your FAT 

to protect you!




Dry skin

Joint or muscle aches

Loss of appetite

Low blood pressure


Vitamin and mineral deficiencies



Impaired blood sugar regulation

Heavy metal poisoning occurs when dangerous heavy metals including arsenic, lead, mercury and aluminum build up in the body, overwhelming the natural balance.

Over time, as high concentrations of metals build up in our systems through the food we eat (yes, your food has heavy metals in it!) the air we breathe and the commercial products we come in contact with on a daily basis, they can lead to a wide variety of conditions, including, but not limited to:

What About Heavy Metal Poisoning?

Some of these are known to cause irritability, mental vagueness, muscle pain, asthma, bloating, joint aches, sinus pain, fatigue, sore throat, eye irritation, gastrointestinal problems, laryngitis, headaches, dizziness, swollen lymph nodes, spikes in blood pressure, coughing, and burning or itching skin irritations.

Acetaldehyde is a probable human carcinogen that also crosses the placenta to the fetus. The chemical industry's Toxic Data Safety Sheet lists headaches, tremors, convulsions, and even death as possible effects of exposure – and this is just one example of a dangerous chemical used in fragrance.

The FDA has direct authority under the terms of the 1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to regulate the toxic ingredients in personal care products and cosmetics.

Three-quarters of a century later, it has still failed to do so.

Potential side effects of toxic fragrance chemicals

The report also revealed that some of the chemicals which were analyzed have been linked to hormone disruption and allergic reactions, in addition to having harmful properties and a propensity to accumulate in human tissues.

Some of the most common chemicals used in perfume include ethanol, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, a-pinene, acetone, benzyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, linalool, a-terpinene, methylene chloride, styrene oxide, dimethyl sulphate, a-terpineol, camphor and limonene.

Fragrance might be found in room air fresheners, cosmetics, fabric softeners, laundry detergents, candles and a host of other products. Since they aren't meant to be ingested, manufacturers don't have to list their ingredients on the label. They aren't required to reveal specific ingredients in anything that might qualify as fragrance, because these are protected as a trade secret.

According to a report published by the Environmental Working Group, the US Food and Drug Administration has not assessed the vast majority of these "secret fragrance chemicals" for safety when used in spray-on personal care products.

Perfumes and fragrances make up the largest portion of cosmetic and personal care products, representing half of all the money that is spent on beauty goods. Exposure to toxic ingredients in such items is predominantly through the skin – yet many of us smear these chemicals onto our bodies every day.

Many people are sensitive to perfumes, finding it difficult just to walk through department stores. Even if you don’t have a particular sensitivity to them, their toxic effects can be overwhelming.

With more than 500 potential chemicals that may be masked under the word "fragrance," found on all types of products in addition to perfumes and colognes, it can be difficult to avoid them.

Toxic Fragrances, Perfumes,

Shampoos & Soaps Too?

Plus, you'll also receive these 2 Important Bonus eBooks...

Why it's important to cleanse your liver – and five herbs that work wonders to support and detox this vital organ. Page 65...

Five delicious soups that support your body's detoxification processes – and boost your overall health. See pages 68 - 71 for recipes...

The centuries-old detoxifying practice that stimulates your skin and lymphatic system... enhances your circulation... and releases the built-up toxins from your body. Page 83...

The popular herb that acts as an antioxidant, digestive tonic and detoxifier – and tastes great on pizza. Page 89...

The potent Indian spice that douses inflammation... lowers your risk of cancer… and works like gangbusters as a whole-body cleanser. Page 90...

The easiest way to restore balance to your digestive system… boost immunity... prevent liver disease and allergies... and ease inflammation. See page 91...

The powerful antioxidant hidden within artichokes that soothes your digestion and supports a healthy liver. Page 95...

The much-misunderstood root vegetable that's loaded with digestive tract-cleansing nutrients – and works powerfully to support your gallbladder and liver heath as well. Page 95...

Three all-natural, "green" cleansers that disinfect, deodorize, scrub, cut grease, bleach – and even clean your oven. Page 100...

In this Exclusive Program, I reveal the enormous health burden your toxic environment is putting on you – and give you practical ways to protect and improve your health. Plus, you'll discover…

12 Exclusive Videos I've recorded to help motivate and guide you on your path to a successful and effective detox.

And last but certainly not least you'll receive a Detox Journal to write down your feelings, symptoms and important thoughts as you go through the program.

My 14-Day Detox Program originally developed for my patients and previously only available in my office. This program takes you through my cleansing process in short easy-to-follow phases with step-by-step instructions plus food guides so you can quickly cleanse your body of accumulated toxins, lower the toxic load on your body, clear up nagging health problems, pain and skin conditions – and much more.

Quick-and-easy meal ideas and recipes using items you can pick up at your local supermarket that correspond to each phase of the program.

Two important surveys to gauge your success with the program. In the Pre-Detox Survey you'll have a chance to document all the nagging health problems you've been experiencing. When you finish the program you'll complete the Post-Detox Survey so you can fully see your progress and just how far you've come in just 14 short days. You'll be amazed by the difference.


You see, exposure to these toxins does more than just make it difficult for you to lose weight.

The toxins in your food… air... water... and household products all work silently together to increase your risk of developing a large list of health conditions – including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, allergies, asthma and many types of cancer.

You are exposed to literally hundreds of toxins each and every day.

The good news is…When you know what they are... where they're hiding... and how to eliminate them, you can finally take back control of your weight and overall health.

And that's why I want to share my exclusive 14 Day Detox Program with you. This is the exact same detoxification program that I have created and used with thousands of my patients at my practice in Connecticut.

I've made special arrangements with my publisher for you to receive digital, downloadable copies of my exclusive program – Dr. Joshua Levitt's 14 Day Detox Revolution – that includes...

The common chemical in your kitchen that causes reproductive harm... increased cancer risk… and abnormal fat metabolism - and there's a 90% chance it's lurking in your body right now. Page 48...

The easy-to-find herb that works powerfully to remove lead and other toxic compounds from your body - and tastes great in recipes. Page 87...

Why you should NEVER use dryer sheets - and a safe, natural way to leave a fresh scent on your clean clothes. Pages 44 & 104…

And much more!

The cancer-causing herbicide that's found in 94% of the water tested by the USDA - that has also been linked to miscarriages, birth defects and male infertility. Page 10...

Why having frequent headaches is not "normal" - and the best way to get rid of the pain for good. Page 56...

The quickest way to remove toxins from your body - and jumpstart your weight loss efforts. Page 62...

The amazing benefits of "sweating" for your health - and what temperature the sauna should be set at for the best results. Page 80...

Four chemical preservatives that have been banned in the European Union - that are alive and well in moisturizers, cosmetics and other personal care products in the U.S. See pages 33 - 38...

This is my exclusive detox companion guide that exposes the truth about...

Bonus #1 - The Detox Handbook

The easy breathing technique that instantly relaxes your body - and even helps you get a restful night of sleep...

And more!

The mysterious way your emotions trigger physical symptoms - that your doctor has difficulty diagnosing...

How bad coping mechanisms throw your entire body off balance - and even make you physically sick...

9 signs that a relationship is "toxic" - and has the potential to wreak havoc with your emotions and your health...

Three simple ways to take control of your life - and lower your stress levels...

Real proof of how exercise helps keep negative emotions at bay - and powerfully relieves stress...

Inside this downloadable special report, you'll discover...

Bonus #2 - The Emotional Toxins Within

Bonus eBook #1: The Detox Handbook
Bonus eBook #2: The Emotional Toxins Within


The step-by-step 14 day program, that includes all the information you need to successfully complete your detox - including all the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of each phase of the program.

The 12 exclusive supporting videos

Tasty Meal Ideas and Recipes that you can enjoy during your detox

Pre-Detox and Post-Detox Surveys & Your Detox Journal

With this special offer, you get instant access to:

Dr. Joshua Levitt's 14 Day Detox Revolution, comprised of:

Claim Your Special Discount Today and 
Start Cleansing Your Gut

Consultation Price: Minimum $250 Your Price Today ONLY: $19

For a Limited Time Only!
A Savings of $$!!!

Coupon automatically added when you click
the ADD TO CART button below

Seeing how this is the exact same method I provide my patients at my practice in Connecticut - and that all of this information could never be covered in a single consultation - the value of everything you’re getting here would easily be several hundred dollars and possibly more than a thousand dollars paid in consultations. But obviously not everyone can come see me in Connecticut, and the truth is, I’m so thrilled to know that with the help of The Alternative Daily, we’re able to provide my program to anyone who is interested through the digital version - for a fair and very affordable price.

I have some really good news for you though... because you’ve already shown a sincere interest in your health and reducing the levels of toxins in your body, we want to make a really special offer for you here today, and provide my entire 14 Day Detox Revolution Program, PLUS the two Bonus eBooks at an exceptional discount of only $19!

I'll give you 100% of your money back - no questions asked. Plus, everything is yours to keep - as my thank you for giving my detox program a try. That's right… the whole program is yours to keep!

I'm giving you a full 90 days to review my 14 Day Detox Revolution - and put it to the test. If you don't agree that you have the information you need to recognize and eliminate dangerous, health-robbing toxins from your environment and your body...

...If you're not amazed at how good you feel after finishing the 14-day detox program...

...Simply request a refund within 90 days of purchase.

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

If you're not absolutely thrilled with this life-changing 
information you receive, you don't have to pay a dime.

Want a sneak peek? Here is one of my favorite recipes from Day 8 of the program:

What you should ask BEFORE buying pressed wood products - in order to avoid a hidden health danger. See page 41...

Thyroid-harming toxins that lurk in your couch... mattress... carpeting… and even television - that have been found in over 60% of people tested for it. Page 42...

What that clean, fresh scent your laundry detergent leaves on your clothes really is - and how it can cause cancer and mess up your reproductive health. Page 43...

5 harmful ingredients in your cleaning products that disrupt your hormones… damage your brain and nervous system... and cause various types of cancers - and safe, effective, "green" cleaners you can use instead. See pages 45 - 46...

Why you should avoid clothing and bedding that have been labeled wrinkle-free, easy-care, or wash-and-wear - and the natural fibers you should choose instead. Page 103...

11 plants that work wonders to improve your indoor air quality - absorbing chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. See page 105...

And much more!

The surprising reason you should reconsider cooking with aluminum pots and pans - and why you shouldn't use plastic utensils on hot pans. Page 98...

The unseen danger in prefabricated and mobile homes - that can secretly cause asthma attacks and even cancer. Page 40...

Not only will you have a bullet-proof, step-by-step 14 Day Detox program, but you'll also discover...

I feel it's incredibly urgent for you to start your 14 Day Detox with me right now. This gentle program will reveal simple ways to eliminate harmful chemicals from your body – and help you avoid coming in contact with them in the first place.

P.S. Remember, when you order today, you get instant access to Dr. Joshua Levitt's 14 Day Detox Revolution so you can get started right away plus you'll receive your important 2 FREE special bonus books – The Emotional Toxins Within & The Detox Handbook – all for just $19!

Dr. Levitt is a naturopathic physician who's known for his expertise in managing common and complex medical problems with a unique integrative approach.

I have to admit, that is actually a recipe my family and I cook all of the time. Not only is it delicious, but you can drink it for any meal of the day. I particularly love to start my day with a heavy amount of nutrients, and this is my go-to broth to start immediately alkalizing my body when I wake up in the morning. My 3 kids thought it was weird at first that we were "drinking soup for breakfast," now they can't get enough of it! And it even gives them a super nutrient-boost to the day before they head into school, and it gives me the best start to my day so I can have extreme focus when I see my patients at my practice.

As I mentioned earlier, this is the exact same detox that I created for my actual patients in Connecticut where my current rate to meet with them is $250/hour. These visits can add up, but luckily for you, I am offering my detox program at this extremely low rate of $19. That's a fraction of the cost of a single doctor's appointment!

You see, I want to be able to help folks outside of our community, and the most efficient way to do this was to essentially slash my rate for you, while keeping the same value.

My 14-Day Detox Program has literally changed the lives of many folks who have walked through my door. And I know it can change yours as well.

Let's do this together!
