The Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle:

Email Swipe 1
SL: Study: Drink 2 tbs of This Before Bed (6% drop in blood sugar)


Study: Drink 2 tbs of This Before Bed (6% drop in blood sugar)
A recent study, conducted at Arizona State University by Doctors Carol S. Johnston and Andrea M. White, PhD, surveyed 11 people afflicted with type 2 diabetes. The researchers found that taking two tablespoons of this life-giving elixir right before bed lowered the blood sugar levels of these individuals by 4 to 6 percent by morning.
The traditional uses of this ‘all-purpose’ potion are vast. To name just a few, it has been used to ease digestion, aid in flu prevention, reduce inflammation, regulate pH balance, alleviate allergy symptoms, ease nausea and heartburn, as a staple in detox regimens, and for a number of skin conditions, including reducing acne and smoothing wrinkles.
p.s. But it has to be the “dirty” kind. Never get the “clean” version…


Email Swipe 2
SL: 81 Reasons to use Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day 


Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used this amazing elixir as a natural antibiotic and antiseptic to heal patients in 400 B.C.!
In a Japanese study participants who drank more ACV than their counterparts during a 12 week period had lower BMI, waist circumference and visceral fat than the control group who drank none!
According to one study, consuming ACV decreased the risk of esophageal cancer!
And the Gerson Institute – a leader in cancer research and treatment – fights cancer with a therapy that alkalizes the body to inhibit the growth of cancer because cancer can’t survive in an alkaline environment. ACV naturally alkalizes your body!
We could go on and on!
After months and months of research into what is no doubt the most beneficial natural health tonic ever known to man, We’ve uncovered 81 ways that ACV can CHANGE, SAVE, IMPROVE and SIMPLIFY your life!


Email Swipe 3
SL: 1 "DIRTY" Elixir Drops Blood Sugar by 6% (results) 


A recent study, conducted at Arizona State University by Doctors Carol S. Johnston and Andrea M. White, PhD, surveyed 11 people afflicted with type 2 diabetes.
The researchers found that taking two tablespoons of this life-giving elixir right before bed lowered the blood sugar levels of these individuals by 4 to 6 percent by morning.
This ‘all-purpose’ potion has been used to ease digestion, aid in flu prevention, reduce inflammation, regulate pH balance, alleviate allergy symptoms, ease nausea and heartburn, as a staple in detox regimens, and for a number of skin conditions, including reducing acne and smoothing wrinkles.


Email Swipe 4
SL: Report: Apple Cider Vinegar Fat Loss Mystery SOLVED


Are you tired of feeling hungry all the time? Eating things you shouldn’t?
Research shows that sipping on unpasteurized apple cider vinegar throughout day can help you drop stubborn belly fat.
Not only that, but it can also reduce insulin sensitivity…. another necessity in fat loss.


Email Swipe 6
SL: Do This EVERY Morning with Apple Cider Vinegar


Are you embarrassed by your bad breath? You are not alone, millions of people are afraid to get close because of a lingering odor caused by bacteria.
Don’t reach for common mouthwash as it contains harsh chemicals that only freshen breath for a short period of time but don’t kill the cause BACTERIA.
A simple and 100% natural solution exists that will knock bacteria out for good.
Mix a capful of apple cider vinegar with a 1/4 cup of water and swish in your mouth.
The vinegar acts like an antiseptic and breaks down plaque and bacteria that causes bad breath. Problem solved.


Email Swipe 5
SL: Urgent: Rub THIS On Your Skin Immediately After Sun Exposure


Research shows that most commercial body care products contain dangerous additives that can cause serious side effects.
If you regularly use an after-sun cream, it’s time to try something that is completely natural and 100% non- toxic.
Don’t risk your health and the health of your family members when a safe alternative exists. Apple cider vinegar will calm your inflamed skin, reduce redness and promote healing.


Email Swipe 7
SL: 5 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Promotes Great Health


Your gut holds the key to good health…seriously!
Take a look at a person’s gut and you can tell the overall state of their health… it’s true. Your gut is teeming with bacteria, some good, some bad. These bacteria are often at war with each other – and often evil prevails. The result…inflammation, joint pain, irritable bowel, allergies,skin rashes and more.
ACV is loaded with beneficial acids that keep bad bacteria in check while building up your army of good bacteria. These acids have powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties that boost your immune system and keep your gut in proper working order.


Email Swipe 8
SL: The Apple Cider Vinegar ( ACV) Fat Loss Mystery Explained


Banish side rolls and muffin tops for good with ACV!
Maybe you have dieted, worked out and basically pulled out all the stops to tackle your fat but nothing seems to be working. The solution could be as close as your nearby grocer… organic apple cider vinegar.
The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition state that ACV suppresses hunger and prevents blood sugar spikes. Wait..,. that’s not all, a Japanese study found that ACV may be just the answer to a sluggish metabolism.
Yes, it’s true, the organic acids and enzymes found in ACV help you burn fat faster. And, faster fat burn means that you can finally deflate that muffin top and say goodbye to side rolls for good.


© The Alternative Daily 2025

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Email Swipe 9
SL: Multiple Studies: You Can Control Blood Sugar with Apple Cider Vinegar


Slash blood sugar by up to 34% with simple vinegar solution…
Research shows that a simple tonic made from 20 grams of water, 20 grams of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of raw stevia can reduce blood sugar naturally when taken before meals. That’s not all… drink this same tonic at bedtime to slash fasting blood sugar in the morning.
Apple cider vinegar is clearly the most cost effective natural solution for blood sugar management


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